Friday, May 23, 2014

"You are in your country here"

Today marks my 8th day in Israel, and it has been an amazing week in the middle-east! Simone told me yesterday "you are in your country here", meaning that I fit in or belong :) :) :) I agree!
My first car ride in Israel.

Seriously, Ya’ll…the whether here is what I imagine it feels like in California. Sunny, dry, breezy, perfect. Where I am staying in Jerusalem is very high in elevation so the nights are really cool. I am already spoiled to the beautiful weather here! 
My first day of work in Tel Aviv
It is really hard to sum up what walking around Israel every day is like, but here is a great example of every single day here: on the way to a beautiful Jewish Israeli wedding Wednesday night, Yaniv’s (my brother in law) brother in law, Schlomy, asks me “have you heard of the story of David and Golliath?” and I replied “of course.” He then pointed out the window and said “this is where it happened.”  Ummm… I’m sorry…WHAT?! Like it was no big deal. This is what I’m working with.

I’m picking up Hebrew as fast as I can because I really don’t like to not ever know what anyone is talking about. I’ll here a “Lindsey” in there, and I’m like “Lama? Lama?!” (Hebrew for what) because I cannot know that you are talking about me and not know what you’re saying, amirite?!

The kibbutz where I am staying, Kfar Etzion, is in the Judean hills of Jerusalem and on Tuesday Yacove took me to a memorial they have inside the kibbutz where I watched a short film on the history of the kibbutz. It was incredible, and if you have the time and interest you can find information about it online (see Kfar Etzion Massacre). Anyways, the kibbutz rocks so hard. Everyone here is so community oriented; they all cook for each other, do whatever favors they can for each other, etc.  They have all welcomed me into the community like family.  They have the coolest playground EVER for the kids. I want to play on everything but I’m trying to act as normal as possible and I’m pretty sure I exceed the weight limit.  Overall, this kibbutz is kind of exactly where I think I’d want to raise my kinds- if I didn’t hate kids. Sidenote: all the children is the country are beautiful. It’s a fact. 

Peanut butter?
Schlomi, Ido, and Alone at the Kfar Etzyon playground

The food here so far has been delicious! Simone is a great cook and Rachel bakes like crazy, so I’m not wanting for tasty cuisine! Just today Rachel let me help (translation: watch) her make cookies for Shabbat.  I was also the certified taste tester. They tasted like something delicious.  
Rachel, the baking master.

The wedding we went to also rocked so hard. It was the most beautiful outdoor location and I have never seen so much food. It was like a thousand courses and dishes of things.  There were probably 500 or more people there (common in Israel), and there was glass breaking and people being lifted on chairs and everything. I got to dance in the circle just like on “My Big Fat Greek Wedding.” It was amazing.  
Israeli wedding

Shabbat is the Jewish Sabbath day and it starts on Friday at sundown, ending Saturday at sundown.  During Shabbat no body drives, works, turns on/off lights, uses computers or phones, cooks, etc.  You basically disconnect and just reflect and spend time with family. It is actually a beautiful thing. I wish we had Shabbat in good ole USA. It’s good for the soul.  It’s actually about to start so I have to upload this quick! :)

Shalom, Ya’ll!

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